Wednesday 3 April 2013

Some Start-up Related Stuff

Here is a collection of some start-up related stuff that I have come across.

Next Big What- An India-based platform for entrepreneurs

Hatch - Accelerator and Incubator based out of Chandigarh. Their website has good articles about some start-up basics. Check out their resources section to see some sample business plan templates.

Yourstory - News about Indian Start-ups

The RodinHoods - Excellent online community of entrepreneurs.

NEN - Vast collection of resources. Don't expect too much details but it covers the basics. Their associative program with Tata is called 'First Dot' focuses on student entrepreneurship.

TechCrunch - Best source of global news about tech-based start-ups

The stuff listed till here was more like 'fundas for start-up' . It mostly dwells on 'What' should be done regarding various aspects of a start-up. But it does not go into exploring reasons for why it should be done. Therefore if you wish to go deeper into understanding about a start-up, the links listed below might help you.

How to Build A Startup - A one of its kind course with a totally different approach.

Paul Graham's Essays - There are about 200 essays, some of which are well over 3000 words. If you have the patience and time to go through them, you will find many gems in there. Paul Graham is the founder of Y Combinator, world's best start-up accelerator. In these elaborate essays, he describes his views regarding various issues that start-ups face apart from other topics such as hacking.

Also, a link to the best start-up tools list I could find on the web:

Startup Tools by Steve Blank

Hope this helps :)
Would really welcome additions to this list.

Another Start-up course suggested by Samarth Bansal : Technology Entrepreneurship course by Stanford : (


  1. Another online course : Technology Entrepreneurship (

    Nice collection! :)

    1. thnx samarth! will add that to the list

  2. Nice be, this one's bookmarked "chewing the cud"
